Sunday, August 23, 2020

Most Creative musician Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Most Creative artist - Essay Example His initial profession was initiated when he joined his brothers’ band called â€Å"The Jackson 5† in 1964. Michael Jackson is known for his renowned manifestations in tune, move, and generosity. In his performance profession, he discharged hit melodies, for example, Beat It, Billie Jean, Thriller and Black or White, which became number one hit tunes in the U. S. Boards. These melodies were significant on the grounds that they helped him separate the racial hindrances around then. Being dark, he confronted numerous difficulties and racial preference that could have prevented his professional success. Along these lines, he decided to engage his crowd through tunes and in the end earned his place as the primary dark to have his music played in MTV. He likewise co-composed a foundation melody with Lionel Richie in 1985 called â€Å"We Are the World.† The tune was discharged all inclusive to help make mindfulness on the debasing conditions that kids conceived in poor families, in the United States and Africa confronted. The tune sold an expected thirty million duplicates and the cash produced was appropriated to different magnanimous establishments to help improve the lives of kids experiencing craving and maladies. Therefore, he was granted four Grammys for his humanitarian endeavors. What's more, his inventiveness in move is unparalleled. He is renowned for making confounded move styles that he named â€Å"robot† and the â€Å"Moonwalk.† These styles, combined with his white-sequined glove, turned into his mark styles. Subsequently, he earned himself a spot in the Dance Hall of Fame as the sole move from popular and awesome music. These move styles despite everything highlight noticeably in crafted by current performers, some with littler varieties. That regardless, he built up the Heal the World Foundation in 1992, which planned for bringing oppressed youngsters or the individuals who were in critical condition to his farm to h ave a ball on the recreation center rides. He needed to put a grin on such kids who had close to nothing or no good thing going for them in their lives (Lewis, 2013). Through his establishment, he gave millions all inclusive to help bolster youngsters in war-stricken nations, and upheld thirty-nine foundations. Not at all like numerous popular famous people who just consider facilitating their desire, Michael Jackson decided to offer back to the network and help mitigate appetite and malady in youngsters round the globe. This, as I would like to think, makes him remarkable. His different acclaimed manifestations incorporate his top rated verse book â€Å"Dancing the Dream† and his celebrated hit tune â€Å"Man In the Mirror† through which he gives a knowledge into the sort of man he is, his character and character (Huey, 2006). These were basic in helping his fans know him and relating to his music. Regardless of the numerous discussions that shook his vocation in the mid-1990s, for example, changing his appearance and the youngster sexual maltreatment allegations, he remains the best performer ever and the unmatched â€Å"King of Pop.† All specialists discover motivation from the inventive environmental factors picked by them. An inventive encompassing involves the physical condition, an inclination, or positive conditions that trigger the inventiveness of a craftsman. It is what gives motivation and plans that the craftsman has as a top priority for his work. An inventive situation shifts starting with one craftsman then onto the next remembering investing more energy for one’s own head, unwinding in a seat, taking a walk, fantasizing,

Friday, August 21, 2020

Systems Theory in Public Health Essay Example For Students

Frameworks Theory in Public Health Essay This paper portrays how breaking down the job of frameworks thinking in program arranging, execution, assessment, and amendment identifies with: compelling employments of data innovation in general wellbeing practice, wellsprings of imbalance that produce wellbeing inconsistencies across assorted populaces, successful general wellbeing initiative, components of populace based wellbeing status and conduct, and general wellbeing activity inquire about. A concise portrayal of frameworks hypothesis will examine generally open and shut frameworks. How the central framework (region of center) decides the errand environment(s) and how the assignment condition shows the jobs inside and outside partners. So also, an incorporation of frameworks will be implanted into each segment of the paper. Frameworks A framework is characterized as a composed entire that is comprised of parts that cooperate in a manner particular from their collaboration with different substances and which suffers over som e timeframe. The two kinds of frameworks are generally open and moderately shut. The qualities of a generally open framework as opposed to that of a moderately shut framework are; the moderately open framework consistently has trades of vitality, data, as well as issue over its limits with the outer condition. What's more, the generally open framework will guarantee that are trades between and among the subsystems of its inside condition are looked after (Anderson, Carter, and Lowe, 1999).Closed Systems The moderately shut framework is the direct inverse in that it neglects to complete adequate trades of vitality, data as well as issue over its limits with the outer condition in the long run causing entropy. A shut framework alludes to the absence of vitality . . rBest, A. H. (2010). Frameworks thinking, information and activity: Towards better models and techniques. Proof Policy: A Journal of Research, Debate Practice, 6(2), 145-159. Recovered fromhttp://ezproxy. Diez Roux, A. V. (2011). Complex frameworks thinking and momentum stalemates in wellbeing inconsistencies examine. American Journal of Public Health, 101(9), 1627-1634. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2011.300149 Hunter, D., Perkins, N. (2012). Organization working in general wellbeing: The suggestions for administration of a frameworks approach. Diary of Health Services Research Policy, 17, 45-52. doi:10.1258/jhsrp.2012. 011127Stewart, Jenny Ayres, R. (2001). Frameworks hypothesis and strategy practice: An investigation. Arrangement Sciences,34(1), 79-94

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Basic Facts of Ap World Ccot Essay Topics

<h1> The Basic Facts of Ap World Ccot Essay Topics </h1> <h2>How to Get Started with Ap World Ccot Essay Topics? </h2> <p>Utilise the guide of our administration and don't worry about how you complete the school. Client care The client service is definitely something this administration should chip away at. To verify you will find a total response to each address, we have a help group that is consistently on the web. Bolster it utilizing proof. </p> <p>Your requests will be completed precisely as you want. The client will realize the price tag of the request till they place it and guarantee it is clear. To permit you to really feel great, we give a discount ensure. At that point place your buy now! </p> <h2>What Everybody Dislikes About Ap World Ccot Essay Topics and Why </h2> <p>Mla style research paper on If you're looking for a unique subject to make your paper on, be sure to peruse the ensuing secondary school factious article points getting some significant help. Simply be sure that it is something which you require, not simply something that you need in the short term. This title will get somebody who wishes to learn. Our composing group contains experienced experts with different scholarly foundations and they're constantly arranged to work for you. </p> <p>Due to how our composing group is extremely huge, we can offer scholarly help with pretty much any subject possible. Regardless of whether you should make a paper of unique faultlessness, simply buy an article here and our journalists will give assistance. In the event that you've just moved on from school or college and are searching for an excellent activity, you need to get a powerful resume to intrigue your future boss. </p> <h2> What Everybody Dislikes About Ap World Ccot Essay Topics and Why </h2> <p>Hughes masterfully utilizes the principal individual perspective to improve the impact of the story. Association of body sections in a CCOT paper is urgent for unrivaled comprehension and stream of the entire article. For nothing out of pocket corrections As the perfect exposition composing administration, we might want you to feel totally glad about your buy. </p> <p>Fortunately there are various fundamental principles you may follow to guarantee. In conclusion, it's critical to make a layout that gives the heading and the structure of the exposition. Last, you'll have to make a high level view that gives the way and the structure of the paper. A magnificent article moves past an unthinking beginning, center, and end arrangement and offers strong ordered information over the entire timeframe. </p> <p>In the ideal time of the Han and Roman Empires, it was very difficult to oversee the colossal measures of land and individuals which were under principle. In the event that you don't have the foggiest idea about the importance of a term, don't utilize it! Anyway, you'll absolutely like our value strategy. You need to flexibly the proof. </p> <p>It consistently seems to sneak away. To create a relative exposition you should find some on-line models. </p> <p>The test is proposed to gauge your comprehension of world history and your ability to think generally. Anyway, point by point information in the subject of world history is required. An AP course is expected to assist understudies with pursueing school level courses. On the off chance that you are selected to the AP World history program, this implies you have these capacities and skills, and must be set up to show them. </p> <p>You're completely allowed to contrast them and the cost of comparative sites. It is conceivable to confirm this data on the web. Our site gives custom composing help and altering help. In the event that you like it is conceivable to look on the web and discover one that you like. </p> <p>Writing quality papers is the vital job of our administrations. Stay in contact with us We be certain that you manage each compose my exposition demand with great measure of personalization. Wellbeing and obscurity When you buy an article from us, you don't should be worried about your protection. You can depend on the perfect exposition help on the web. </p> <p>The authors present an application for orders they truly wish to deal with, henceforth the clients can be sure they will get excellent work at the perfect cost with this administration. Anyway, you may peruse the tributes of our customers. There are a great deal of reasons why you should incline toward our administrations. Another advantage of our site is the briskness. </p>

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Research Paper Topics That Can Help Students Learn About the Illuminati

<h1>Research Paper Topics That Can Help Students Learn About the Illuminati</h1><p>Researchers ought to consistently search for examine paper points that they can use in their conversation to disclose to understudies what the Illuminati is. You might be considering how a normal understudy would think about the Illuminati, on the grounds that they are only some gathering of individuals, which you wouldn't have the option to find. This is a decent inquiry, and the appropriate response can be found by utilizing some Illuminati subjects for look into paper topics.</p><p></p><p>The term Illuminati was gotten from a gathering of individuals. They needed to consolidate two terms, implying that they needed to join the American expression Illuminati and the word connivance. After this progression, it wasn't extremely hard to comprehend what they are attempting to do. The understudies will simply need to concentrate on the theme, instead of what someon e in particular is doing.</p><p></p><p>Some of the things that they are intending to do could be in a college setting. They are considering significant fields of study, for example, math, material science, and software engineering. By utilizing the subjects of the Illuminati, they can help their understudies in clarifying these fields of study.</p><p></p><p>Students will likewise find out about how somebody can join the gathering, however it will be a fascinating point to know whether they need to move into the field. They will likewise need to focus on different things that would come up in those subjects. These points can give the understudies an intriguing foundation on the Illuminati.</p><p></p><p>There is a significant gathering in presence. They are very clandestine. It isn't likely that they need any other individual to get some answers concerning the gathering, since they need to keep it mystery. These i ndividuals feel that it is perhaps the best thing they have ever done, and they need to keep it a secret.</p><p></p><p>They have a control list, which is very significant. This is the place they screen whois in their gathering. They can ensure that they have power over any individual in the group.</p><p></p><p>Questions regarding why they are here or what their motivation is should be replied. They will presumably be inquired as to why they have penetrated and controlled most parts of government. They will likewise be gotten some information about the universal financial framework, which they control through their national bank. They may likewise be gotten some information about how they move cash around, which is very precarious and complex.</p><p></p><p>Most bunches don't permit different gatherings to conflict with their method of getting things done. Truth be told, some of them will permit individuals to be effective who as of now have the gathering's endorsement. They need to be seen in the entirety of their undertakings. They can even assistance a gathering to advance its own motivation, however not in a negative way.</p>

Sunday, July 19, 2020

The Top Secret Truth About Psychological Psychology Essay Topics Revealed

<h1> The Top Secret Truth About Psychological Psychology Essay Topics Revealed </h1> <p>You will find that finding new, fascinating brain science research paper points can be immensely troublesome. Despite the fact that subjects are very significant, the examination strategies are significant as well. To begin with, you should pick a subject of your up and coming paper. There are a few intriguing brain research subjects to pick from. </p> <p>When you make a physiology research paper, don't endeavor to focus on language much. There are three essential sorts of analyses in brain research. The objective of a brain research paper, simply appreciate any kind of logical composition, is to discover the crowd ebb and flow about improvements in the brain science field. Thus, there's an unmistakable connection among design and brain research. </p> <p>The huge piece of the brain science sub-fields are somewhat wide, making exploring on it very hazardous. Consider what your educator likes to talk about and find a subject connected to that. Most understudies will go to the web to find the subjects they require. In case you're an understudy of brain science, you'd be approached to pick a particular theme for the last examination paper. </p> <p>You can focus on the impacts of the following themes on the nature and advancement of a small kid, grown-up or old. Social mental work was applied to a great some true settings. Make sure there are sufficient online sources regarding the matter you've picked. Prevalent examination points can show you a decent arrangement of things. </p> <h2> The Secret to Psychological Psychology Essay Topics</h2> <p>Behaviorism or human conduct brain science doesn't represent more assortments of learning, explicitly discovering that happens coming up short on the ut ilization of fortifications. It assumes an innate job in molding the musings and activities of our standard society, which thus oversees our social and conventional qualities. Because of its attention on human conduct and brain from arranged viewpoints, it is an extraordinarily fascinating field which can bring enormous fulfillment and a profound comprehension of individuals. Psychological brain science handles the one of a kind mental procedures occurring in somebody's psyche. </p> <p>The other piece of brain research that has been of worry to scholars is mental difficulties and the manners in which that individuals have thought that it was hard to manage society and the requests put on them, for congruity or explicit techniques for intuition. As a general rule, some longitudinal investigations really found that the individuals who have a high measure of dim set of three character tend to arrive at a serious extent of accomplishment. Last, in light of the fact that even smallish developments can contort the BOLD sign members normally don't react utilizing discourse, so there are limitations on the kind of boosts that might be introduced. The issue isn't in the fluctuation or comprehensiveness of something, yet rather in the way that it influences our ability to get code. </p> <h2> The Hidden Truth on Psychological Psychology Essay Topics</h2> <p>You most likely realize some data with respect to the theme, and you comprehend where t o get the rest. The rundown in no way, shape or form offers all the accessible subjects as there's various inquiries which you can discover in any of the methodologies of brain research referenced, so have a significant figure what you'd love to compose on. Continue perusing to find many themes that you're ready to consider. Risking upon a point for your examination can be extreme, yet there are numerous extraordinary techniques to deliver charming thoughts. </p> <p>Make sure you can shape an extraordinary theory regarding the matter you're choosing and you should settle on a theme that has adequate substance effectively accessible and available by means of online discussions. The subject should be something you perceive about. Still there are a couple of general tips you can apply while picking a theme. It's in every case a whole lot better to find a particular, slender point. </p> <h2> Getting the Best Psychological Psychology Essay Topics</h2> <p>You will get one of a kind writings, which will be done in time. Try not to be frightened to discuss your thoughts as a component of innovative methodology and recollect there's only one way to deal with arrive at the ideal objectives accepting papers which have been carefully checked, looked into and edit. The title of your task consequently decides the examination you will need to do to have the option to be in a situation to create the paper. What's more, you can w atch exceptional themes for your exploration paper on the site! </p> <p>Locating a strong point is only one of the most basic advances when composing any sort of paper. While setting up the exploration paper, you need to be aware of the key thoughts, hypotheses and information you will uncover. You would need to peruse a lot of substance for composing your brain science research paper, and that is the reason you ought to choose a theme that energizes you. Composing a thesis isn't as basic as finishing a various decision test, so make sure to settle on a theme which you'll savor the experience of finding out about for an extensive moment.</p> <p>A Psychiatrist's Training In request to form into a therapist, an individual must examination for a long time in clinical school and take all the specific preparing that anyone wishing to be a doctor must take. Finding the most appropriate brain research analyze thought can be testing, however since you can see there are loads of extraordinary strategies to create motivation. Consider your abs olute last spontaneous purchase. By method of model, assume that an analyst might want to make sense of in the case of playing chess causes an addition in imagination among fifth graders. </p>

Thursday, July 9, 2020

Medical School Essay Topics - What You Need to Know

<h1>Medical School Essay Topics - What You Need to Know</h1><p>Challenge expositions for clinical school confirmations are a significant piece of your instructive procedure. In this article, we will give a few proposals on the most proficient method to best go about test paper themes for clinical school.</p><p></p><p>First, you ought to settle on the kind of exposition that you will compose. Do you compose a diary exposition, the incidental article, or a pugnacious paper? Let us help you decide.</p><p></p><p>If you choose to compose a diary style exposition, you should incorporate a one of a kind circumstance or experience that you experienced during your scholarly profession. This will make your article stand apart from the group. Since the diary kind of exposition is commonly an individual reflection, there will be a lot of room for you to be as inventive as you need. Obviously, on the off chance that you favor not t o incorporate an individual story, the diary configuration will give enough space to you to be descriptive.</p><p></p><p>Parenthetical expositions are most likely the least demanding of all test paper subjects for clinical school. As the name suggests, they are engaged around a solitary point and do exclude any sincere beliefs or stories. Their solitary prerequisite is that you should utilize an incidental articulation, for example, 'watched' to reference a reality that you witnessed.</p><p></p><p>Argumentative papers are the most testing article you can compose. For a certain something, they expect you to utilize a wide range of sorts of words to help your contention. Since they are centered around realities, you should refer to numerous sources so as to make your case.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you may likewise need to gracefully your own data when composing for clinical school. This implies you should have an exh austive information on both the realities and the laws in your state in regards to clinical malpractice.</p><p></p><p>It may appear as though an overwhelming undertaking to attempt to compose a very much organized, expertly composed exposition, yet you can do it with a little direction. On the off chance that you are curious about the topic, converse with somebody who is qualified and request their help.</p><p></p><p>We understand that it tends to be an overwhelming assignment to compose a test article for clinical school. It's significant that you have a decent handle of the theme with the goal that you can compose an elegantly composed, however succinct essay.</p>

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Does pecking order hypothesis explain capital structure - Free Essay Example

THE PECKING ORDER HYPOTHESIS Determining the optimum capital structure which an organisation should have is a major financial decision, and the importance of decisions regarding capital structure have become even more apparent due to economic events such as the global financial crisis (Baker and Martin, 2011). Hossain and Ali (2012) state that all firms are highly susceptible to decisions regarding capital structure, owing to their internal and external effects on organisations. They further point out that capital structure policies are significant because of their impact on the level of risk and return of a firm. As such, a number of theories have been proposed to explain the capital structure of organisations. One of such is the Pecking order hypothesis. This essay shall examine this hypothesis and how it explains capital structure. Subsequently, it shall be compared to another theory of capital structure, the static trade-off theory, in order to find out how it differs from this theory. Studies testing both theories shall also be examined. According to Chen and Chen (2011, p. 92), the Pecking order hypothesis is one of the most influential theories of corporate financeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . Frank and Goyal (2003) further note that much of its influence is drawn from a view that logically fits with facts on how external finance is used by companies. This hypothesis suggests that in making a choice among alternative forms of finance, organisations have a certain order of priorities. In the first instance, firms prefer to make use of internal finance generated by their operating cash flow. When t hese internal sources are used up, they prefer to borrow. The third option, which is used as a last resort, is the sale of new shares of the company (Pike and Neal, 2009). The rationale for this preference order is the information asymmetry problem, i.e. the disparity between the information managers and potential investors have regarding the financial state of the firm and its prospects. As such, managers are less inclined to issue shares when they believe these shares to be undervalued, and more likely to issue them when it is believed that they are overvalued (Chen and Chen, 2011; Pike and Neale, 2009). As a result of this, shareholders, mindful of their relative ignorance of the firms financial state and of this possible behaviour by managers, will view a decision not to issue shares is a signal of good news, while the issuing of shares will be seen as bad, or relatively less good (Myers and Majluf, 1984). These signals are noisy signals (Chen and Chen, 2011), and viewing issued shares as overvalued or less good affect the price investors will be willing to pay for those shares, and they may consequently mark them down. This could therefore increase the cost of equity for firms (Pike and Neale, 2009). Transaction costs, as Chen and Chen (2011) point out, play a significant role in decisions regarding the firms capital structure. This is because the costs involved in obtaining finance internally are less than the transaction costs involved in securing new external financing, as internal funds do not incur transaction costs. As such, it is expected by investors that firms would first finance company investments using internal resources first, then by borrowing till the firm has a suitable debt to equity ratio, and finally, by issuing equity (Myers and Majluf, 1984; Pike and Neale, 2009). Frank and Goyal (2003, p. 218) note that the financing deficit should normally be matched dollar for dollar by a change in corporate debtà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ , and as such, if the pecking order is followed by firms, then a slope coefficient of one results from a regression of net debt issues on financing debt. This prediction was strongly supported by results from a study by Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999), using a sample of 157 which had traded continually from 1971 to 1989. However, it should be noted that this sample was relatively small, and consisted mainly of mature, public firms. Chen and Chen (2011) note that an assumption of the Pecking order theory is that there is no target capital structure. The pecking order theory has been used widely to explain the financing decisions of organisations. One of its main advantages is that it correctly predicts the effects profits have (Frank and Goyal, 2009; Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999). However, there are some problems with this hypothesis. As Frank and Goyal (2003, 2009) observe, firm operations and their accounting structures are more complex than what is represented in the standard pecking order. Furthermo re, contrary to what is usually suggested, Frank and Goyal (2003) report that internal financing is usually not enough to cover the average investment spending, and there is a heavy use of external financing among firms. They also note that the magnitude of debt financing does not overshadow equity financing. Additionally, while there is wide support for the pecking order theory among larger firms and in earlier years, with the increase in the number of small firms trading publicly, there has been a decline in the support for the pecking order hypothesis, as small firms tend not to follow the pecking order, leading to a shift in the overall average away from the pecking order (Frank and Goyal, 2003). Nevertheless, the pecking order hypothesis still offers a useful explanation for the financing model followed by firms, especially larger firms. Some studies of the pecking order hypothesis will be discussed in the next section. A COMPARISON OF THE PECKING ORDER HYPOTHESIS AND THE STATIC TRADE-OFF THEORY Having discussed the Pecking order theory in detail, the static trade-off theory will be briefly discussed in this section, and a comparison made to show the differences between both. The static-trade off theory acknowledges that firms aim to take advantage of the lower cost benefits borrowing offers, particularly the tax shield. However, at the same time, they are also hesitant to increase the financial risks which committing to contracts and making ongoing interest and capital repayments would involve. As such, the returns and cost benefits are traded off against the risks of financial distress from excess borrowing, and firms which have higher and more stable profits would likely operate at higher debt levels, as there would be a greater opportunity to shelter their profits from tax (Pike and Neale, 2009; Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999). Figure 1 below illustrates the static trade off theory of optimal capital structure. FIGURE 1: THE STATIC TRADE OFF THEORY OF OPTIMAL CAPIT AL STRUCTURE Source: Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999, p. 220) For a value maximising-firm, benefits and costs would be equated at the margin, and it would operate at the highest point of the curve. For profitable, safe firms, which have higher taxes to shield and assets which would avoid relatively major damage to their asset values, the curve would top out at comparatively high debt ratios (Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999). Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999, p. 220) note that this static trade off theory translates quickly to empirical hypothesis, it predicts that the actual debt ratio will reverse to an optimum or target level, and also predicts a cross-sectional relation between average debt ratios and asset risk, profitability, tax status and asset typeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ . As noted earlier, in the Pecking order theory, there is no target capital structure. However, from the explanation above, it can be observed that this is not the case with the static trade off theory, as it supp oses an optimum/target capital structure. This is a key difference between the Pecking order hypothesis and the static-trade off theory. Myers (1984) observes that while in the static trade off there is a debt to value ratio target set by the firm, which it steadily works towards attaining, for the pecking order theory, there is no well-defined ratio of target debt to value, but instead, internal financing is used first, before debt, and then issuing equity, due to signalling issues associated with external funding and asymmetric information (Shyam-Sunder and Myers, 1999). Hackbarth, Hennessy and Leland (2007) note that there is a debt pecking order within the trade-off theory, with a preference for bank debt over market debt, as lower bankruptcy costs are implied. As such, small firms tend towards issuing privately placed debt, while larger firms are more prone to issuing market debt (Blackwell and Kidwell, 1988; Hackbarth et al, 2007). While the static trade off theory place s strong considerable emphasis on taxes and bankruptcy costs (Frank and Goyal, 2007), and the tax shield advantage of debt, the pecking order hypothesis does not really focus on this. However, this shield advantage is quite important, and as Chen and Chen (2011) report, based on their study of 305 Taiwanese electronic listed firms in 2009, large firms tend to take advantage of the tax shield which debt offers. They also point out that due to their lower information asymmetry and lower and more diversified risk, they tend to have relative advantages when raising finance from formal institutions. However, they note that firms still use internal capital to finance new projects, and turn to debt when internal capital is insufficient, in line with the pecking order hypothesis. This is also supported by Graham and Harveys (2001) survey of 392 chief financial officers. The results of the survey showed that the tax advantage of debt is seen as moderately important in making capital structur e decisions, and for large companies in particular, this tax advantage was cited as most important. A key point to note is that profitability, growth opportunities, asset structure and risk are key variables that influence the capital structure a firm adopts (Cassar and Holmes, 2003; Chen and Chen, 2011), and this could also possibly influence the model of capital structure firms appear to follow. The key variables influencing capital structure highlight another difference between both models, which is that while with the trade-off model, variances in an organisations leverage are driven by the costs and benefits of debt, with the pecking order theory, these are driven by the net cash flows of the firm (i.e. its cash earnings minus investment expenditures) (Fama and French, 2002). A test of the static trade off theory and the pecking order hypothesis by Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999) revealed that the pecking order model has a higher time-series explanatory power than the stati c trade-off theory. They note that it explains far more of the time-series variance in real debt ratios, rather than the static trade off theorys target adjustment model. However, they also note that if a firms actual mode of financing adheres to the static trade off theory, then the pecking order hypothesis can be rejected, while in contrast, the static trade off theory appears to work when the financing model follows the pecking order as described earlier. Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999) therefore state that while the pecking order offers a better initial explanation of firms decisions regarding debt-equity (particularly for mature, public firms as used in the sample of their study), the evidence for a definite optimum debt ratio as predicted by the trade-off theory is questionable. In a test of the pecking order hypothesis and the trade-off theory using a cross-section of the largest listed firms in China, using three models: the determinants of leverage, the relationship betwee n leverage and dividends, and the determinants of corporate investment, Tong and Green (2005) reported the following results: For the relationship between leverage and profitability, a significant negative correlation was observed, and a significant positive correlation was found for the relationship between current leverage and past dividends, both of which showed more support for the pecking order hypothesis over the trade-off theory. However, the results of the third model, corporate investment determinants, were not conclusive. Nevertheless, their conclusion was that the results tentatively supported the pecking order hypothesis in explaining how Chinese companies make their financing decisions. Studies by Myers (1984) and Fama and French (2002) show a lack of a positive correlation between profits and debt, and the researchers view this as a problem with the trade-off theory. Fama and French (2002) note that while the dividend pay-outs for firms which have higher profit levels and firms with fewer investments is higher, in line with predictions of both models, they note that firms which are more profitable are less levered. This is in line with the pecking order hypothesis, but contradicts the trade-off model. They further note that in line with the predictions of the pecking order model, short-term variances in investment and earnings are mainly covered by debt. CONCLUSION This essay has examined the pecking order hypothesis and how it explains the capital structure of firms. Its advantages and some of its drawbacks were also highlighted. It was subsequently compared with the static trade off theory, and the differences between both were pointed out, such as the proposition of an optimum/target capital structure, the focus on taxes and bankruptcy costs, and the factors which drive an organisations leverage. Tests of both theories highlight some of their strengths as well as their weaknesses, and it was noted that certain other factors, such as firm size, profitability etc. can also determine the explanatory powers of both models. REFERENCES Baker, K.H. and Martin, G.S. (2011) Capital Structure: An Overview, in Baker, K.H. and Martin, G.S. (Eds.), Capital structure and corporate financing decisions: Theory, evidence and practice. Hoboken: John Wiley Sons. Blackwell, D. W., Kidwell, D. S. (1988). An investigation of cost differences between public sales and private placements of debt. Journal of Financial Economics, 22(2), 253-278 Cassar, G., Holmes, S. (2003). 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