Tuesday, May 19, 2020

George and Lennie - a Friendship Essay - 1669 Words

Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a novel involving two extremely different main characters. George is a reasonably intelligent, hardworking ranchman. Lennie on the other hand always manages to find trouble. He is equally as hardworking and honest as George but his simple childlike mind always finds him trouble wherever he goes. However they have one thing that unites the two of them as close as any bond can. This is that they both share the same dream of owning their own ranch Ââ€" and after many hard working years, moving from ranch to ranch, living in complete poverty and working for next to nothing they finally try to achieve this life long dream. br brI enjoyed this novel because I found the contrast between the two main†¦show more content†¦Curley likes to think he owns his wife and that he should tell her what she can and cant do and consequently this is what makes her another very lonely character. If she tries to talk to the ranchmen they ignore her, because they fear Curley and she has no female friends so she is very isolated. His wife is never given a name in the book and is constantly referred to as Curleys wife; this for me makes an important and bold statement to the reader. Steinbeck shows how lonely she is, as she is never given a name it shows that no one thinks of her as a friend, but more of an object. She shouldnt really be as lonely as she is because she has a husband, but still she has no real friends. She has no real grip on life and lives in two completely different worlds. In reality she lives in an old ranch surrounded by ranchmen with no friends or companions to communicate with. However she longs and truly believes she can be a film star. She once told Lennie br br I aint used to livin like this. I coulda made something of myselfÂ… maybe I will yet br brCurleys wife is not the only one dreaming of a better life, all the characters struggling in this novel are dreaming of moving away and making something of themselves. br brAll the characters on the rank suffer from loneliness, and this is down to having no friends. They all in some way or other envy George and Lennie because no matter what happens George and Lennie have each other asShow MoreRelatedOf Mice and Men Importance of Friendship George and Lennie952 Words   |  4 PagesOf Mice and Men has many themes presented by Steinbeck, one of which is about friendship. The novella shows the relationship between the protagonists, George and Lennie, and showing how they try to achieve the American Dream by working together. This is in contrast to many of the other characters who are alone by themselves which seems to be the norm at the time of the Great Depression. 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No doubt, life is simply more pleasant with friends as some speculate. But what if the friendship was no longer the childhood bond that it used to be? John Steinbeck exposes the painful struggle of friendship in his petite novella Of Mice and Men with GeorgeRead MoreOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay701 Words   |  3 Pagestheme of Friendship through various literary elements. Friendship is people that care for and respect each other. It is the link that makes people stick together through the struggles of life. This essay will prove that friendship is important in life. The book starts in a town called Soledad, which means lonely, but George and Lennie are far from lonely. Their friendship is a caring one because all they have is each other. 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Their friendship is seemingly out of place, with no other as strong as theirs mentioned. Throughout the duration of the book, the importance, rarity, as well as benefits of hope and strength of the pair s relationship are illustrated and centered ar ound. George and Lennie s friendship is uniqueRead More Of mice and men Essay608 Words   |  3 Pageswith eachother because not everyone was equal. George and Lennie showed a great part in friendship throught the whole book. At the ranch in Selinas mostly everyone showed friendship in some way. Friendship was a great factor when the book was published because of all the racism going on at the time. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Friendship has a big part to do with Lennie and George’s dream of owning a small farm and raising animals. George and Lennie both set their mind to accomplish their dreamRead MoreThe Theme of Friendship in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men659 Words   |  3 Pagesfriends named Lennie and George. George promises Aunt Clara that he will watch over Lennie because of his mental disability. Their friendship is tested many times as Lennie is constantly finding himself in trouble. John Steinbeck uses feelings of happiness, obligation, and love to establish the theme of friendship is the most important thing in life. First, Steinbeck uses the feeling of happiness to show that friendship is the most important thing in life. Happiness keeps George and Lennies relationshipRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck Essay1595 Words   |  7 Pagesthe story are George and Lennie. The central point of the book is their unusual relationship. Their relationship establishes one of the most important themes of the novel, the importance of companionship and loneliness. Their relationship helped me to understand that they both rely upon their friendship to survive as they are completely different from each other. Lennie depends upon his friendship with George to make the correct decisions. George relies upon the friendship with Lennie to plan forRead MoreOf Mice and Men Literary Analysis1242 Words   |  5 Pagesowning their own ranch. George Milton and Lennie Small are best friends, who despite of all their extremely difference personalities, but still manage to work together, travel together and get rid of anything that gets in their way. The friendship between George and Lennie is pre valent throughout the book, but it is shown most explicitly in their plan to live on a farm together in the future. The way in which this dream is articulated to represent the idealized friendship they share. The author Steinbeck

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